Lonely at the top

As managers climb the corporate ladder, they have fewer people they can really talk to. Managers are increasingly isolated because they are being told what employees think they want to hear. For this reason, an adcocate outside the system serves a manager well.

Your success is my success.

I have one goal--your success. I will challenge you without emotion or ego. I focus on issues, not the person. I give you alternatives to think about.

Characteristics of a Good Advocate

I am trained and practiced in persuasive skills. I know what constitutes good evidence, how to craft effective arguments, and to present in way that fosters believability and trust. I can help test the validity and effectiveness of arguments.I have extensive experience across groups, businesses, and organizations. I will help you avoid mistakes and enhance your communication.

Sabotage from Within

People within the system (group, organization, party) who say that they are being a Devil's Advocate often use this phrase as a rhetorical ploy to sabotage the primary argument. The phrase allows them to hide behind a mask where they do not have to accept accountability.